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HUMANSCALE Liberty Reconditioned seat with 1D...

€850.00 €239.00 Tax excl. - €286.80 Tax incl. -71.88%
Availability: 6 In Stock

With a unique design, this HUMANSCALE Liberty seat is one of the most sought after office furniture.

Please note that these reconditioned seats have some scratches and impacts on the chrome.


ESPEROU modular hexagonal seat

€1,289.00 Tax excl. - €1,546.80 Tax incl.
Availability: Out of stock

Espérou draws his strength from the Cevennes Gardoises where his Manufacture is implanted.

Easily recognizable by its hexagonal shape, this seat embodies the French manufacturing and know-how at the time of the local and circular economy.


If you want other options (mechanism, coccyx cut, roulette finishes, customization,...), please contact us or directly on our contact form.

An advisor will contact you quickly.

Used Steelcase Let's be seat black with armrests
  • -23.83%
  • Out-of-Stock

Used Steelcase Let's be seat black with armrests

€340.00 €259.00 Tax excl. - €310.79 Tax incl. -23.83%
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Availability: Out of stock


The Let's Be, with 1D adjustable armrests, is one of the most used office seats in business or administration. Its "repacked seat" version is also one of our bestsellers!